Thursday, February 21, 2013

Safe Spaces-Vaccaro, August, Kennedy -Hyperlinks-

In the reading "Safe Spaces: Inside the Classroom Walls," the Authors talk about how to create a safe-space for all students but in particular, students in the LGBT community.  As the link states, LGBT stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender."   It is mentioned in the article that teachers often make the assumption that everyone is heterosexual and display the appropriate gender roles in society.  

The authors of the text state that teachers will almost never address the issues that the LGBT community faces.  And if it is addressed it is usually negative in tone.  Recently, a teacher in an Indiana School started petitioning for a straight-only prom that would exclude student in the LGBT community.  The teacher in question who has recently been suspended from her job stated that being gay is a choice that the person in question has made and claimed that the only time that a gay person should be defended is "when they were going to admit that they were wrong and accept god."  Basically in her opinion a gay person "would only have a purpose in life if they chose to become straight."

Another point that was mentioned in the reading was that the State of Alabama treats LGBT issues as a "public health risk."  Recently a Tennessee Senator tried to pass the "Don't Say Gay" Bill which would forbid educators from teaching about and discussing LGBT issues.  This is exactly what the authors of "Safe Spaces" said NOT to do.  They mentioned that an absence of meaningful discussions on LGBT issues will lead to the continuation of homophobic and transphobic tendencies in society. The Tennessee Senator has also mentioned that: "The act of homosexuality is dangerous to a person's health and safety." 

In recent years, the number of LGBT teens that commit suicide has been on the rise in recent years.  The authors of "Safe Spaces" argue that is because of harsh stereotypes about the LGBT community.  This study claims that LGTB teens are "five times as likely to commit suicide than their straight peers."

Short Video of President Obama demonstrating his support for the LGBT community.

Most of this goes back to what Delpit says about the "Culture of Power" as well as the "S" in S.C.W.A.A.M.P.  Sadly, in this country, heterosexuality is the "norm" and homosexuality is considered "different" and often times "wrong" in our society. 

Things to consider/Question:  Throughout the course of American History there has been a recurring theme of groups labeled as "different" and "inferior" fighting for their rights in society.  As well as the overturning of many laws and legislation to oppress these groups, such as Brown v. Board of Education which overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of "separate but equal" facilities for African Americans.   Do you think that legislation oppressing the LGBT such as DOMA (The Defense of Marriage Act) and bills such as the "Don't Say Gay" Bill will ever become obsolete in this country?  And like how African Americans and women are discussed in length in schools today, do you think that someday, the LGBT community will have their place in everyday school discussions?


  1. Your blog was great Mikaela! As for your question, I really hope that the LGBT community will be in school discussions eventually. Unfortunately, I think society is not at that point quite yet. Because (as with many issues) one's religious beliefs affects how society views that issue, I do not think LGBT will be featured in many classroom discussions just yet. However, it is a good sign that the LGBT community is becoming more and more publicized.

  2. Hey i really lied your blog and your right it should be known, and that society should be aware that their are LBGT students in their schools. I also love your video on Obama its nice to see what the president of the United Sates says about how he feels about the LBGT people. And how he agrees with us.
